"Boys Over Flowers: back to filming" Thoughts on Goo Hye Sun's return to the set
written by: 김 형 우
translated by: dunlop09

Goo Hye Sun returns to the set of “Boys Over Flowers” on the 5th. After her discharge on the 2nd, she shot one scene for episode 17, and then has been resting due to complications caused by her injury.

She returned to filming on the 5th. The swelling in her face is almost completely gone and her pronunciation has improved compared to before. The only problem that remains is that her injury has not yet healed, and her stitches are scheduled to be taken out tonight . Despite the hospital's advice to have it taken out on the 7th, they could not keep Goo Hye Sun away from the set any longer.

A representative stated over the phone, “This is the first real filming we had since last week. She's not 100% well yet, but she is doing the best that she can. Her condition has improved greatly. It was no small accident, she could have easily fell back, but she is showing no complaints or discomfort at all. We are really proud of her.”

Another representative stated, “Goo Hye Sun is back to acting with her passion. You would have never known she was a person who just came out of an accident. She would give her best even if it means she'll fall apart.”
另一個代表指出「具惠善對表演的熱情是她繼續拍攝的原動力。乍看之下,你絕對不會猜到她是一個車禍的受害者。她追求完美的積極度讓她忘了傷勢。 」

Before the car accident, Goo Hye Sun also injured her head during a diving scene. At the time she had to come back to filming after one day, despite the hospital's advice to stay. Outside of these incidents, the representatives revealed that she has sustained many more injuries while doing dangerous action scenes and sports scenes. On one occasion, she injured her leg and could barely move. But she kept her complaints from the representatives and continued with filming.

A representative of one of the F4 members said, “Goo Hye Sun's devotion to acting really deserves an applause. No matter how cold, or how hard it is, she never leaves the set. She stays near the monitor to watch every aspect.

Another representative said, “It really is heartbreaking to see that because she is surrounded by F4, she is always suffering attacks from antifans. But if they saw her on the set, no one would be able to say those kinds of things about her again .”


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