It seems that JP, JD, and JK went out to eat with the staff of the drama when they were done shooting in Jeju.

The seating arrangement was JP, JD, Staff, Staff
坐位分配: 表, 草, 工作人員, 工作人員, 工作人員, 猴女, PD, 工作人員
Staff, JK, Director, Staff
There was a student nearby that really liked JD's character so shefollowed her style and JP made comment about how the girl lookedprettier than JD while biting his finger. JD reacted with a playful"what?" and returned to her eating
有一個在附近的學生真的很喜歡草的角色, 所以她模仿了草的風格, 表就邊咬他的手指(這個動作好奇怪==)邊向那學生說怎樣看可以上去比草更漂亮, 然後草戲謔地說了句"mo?"就轉回去吃飯

JD got something caught in her throat and JP helped her by patting herback to let the food go down. JD resumed her eating and grabbed achicken drumstick and concentrated on eating it. Watching an intense JDover her food, JP gave out a laugh.
草好像吃到東西卡在喉嚨, 咳了, 表幫忙去拍她的背令食物可以順利咽下去, 草繼續吃東西,之後拿了一只雞腿專心地啃 看到對食物如此專心的草, 表不禁大笑

JP kept spilling his food and JD playfully joked, "Are you a kid? Why do you keep spilling your food" and followed with a laugh.
It seems that JP doesn't eat that much, JD eats as much if not more than him
表不斷去撥弄食物, 草戲謔地開玩笑說: 你是孩子嗎? 為什麼老是去弄食物?之後笑
好像表不太吃東西, 草吃得比他更多.


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