

正在KBS 2TV月火劇“花樣男子”中熱演的李敏鎬、金賢重、金範、金俊作為獲獎後續選人和頒獎嘉賓,參加了27日晚在首爾奧林匹克公園舉行的第45屆百想藝術大獎,再一次真實的感受到了他們非凡的人氣。



“花樣男子”中扮演尹智侯角色的金賢重與少女時代的允兒一起獲得人氣獎。出身SS501的LEADER,本次又是第一次在電視劇中挑戰演技的金賢重表達了感謝之心“作為歌手我是第一次挑戰演技。雖然有的時候很辛苦很累,但是能遇到這麼好的作品,受到了大家這麼的喜愛,非常感謝。”以後當我每次很懶的時候,我就會用這個獎來鞭策自己。 ”


此外,當天“花樣男子”的F4全員都參加了頒獎典禮。 SS501在祝賀舞台上演唱了“花樣男子”OST‘因為我太傻’,可以說是“花男”的天下了。

作者:曾經花樣的日子2009-2-28 01:09回复此發言


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'm here! I'm finally here infront of my PC!!

THANK YOU ALL so much for all the pic and caps and links!!!


I was grinning the whole time whilst watching him received the Award! He is such a fine young man! He WILL go far!!! So adorable, when he kept blowing out air throughout his speech. And it's SO him to shout out the Thank You! LOL LOL! I can't ever recall anyone else having done that before!

And It's AMAZING to watch him perform at Music Bank! HOw on earth did he manage to squeeze in time for the practice etc???? No wonder he looked so tired and thin :S

Sigh, omo, I feel so proud of Kim Hyun Joong!

Kim Hyun Joong Thank you Speech

Credits to Chinese trans (briefly translated) from Crystalwong of http://www.hyunjoongchina.com/


(最後大喊)謝謝大家! ! !

Eng trans (xxxxx means not sure) -

Oh, oh (very nervous!). That, oh, although this is my first acting role debut as a Singer, now, yes, Although it's been very tiring, but to have the opportunity to be involved in such a good production, and at the same time able to receive so much support from everybody, really thank you all of you very much! Firstly, oh, for a mere high school graduate like me,really thank you XXXXXXXX very much for creating a Kim Hyun Joong like me. Also, my dearest parents, grandma, brother, hope that my family can be happy! Oh, (trying to hold back htears) XXX sunbae of the BOF cast/production team, directors (blew out air), acting crew, teachers, thank you all of you very much! I will continue to work hard! I have been really busy, but as soon as I have the time, I will xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(Shouted) Thank you!!!

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from : dc

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除了愛  我什麼都不要 ( 具惠善版本 )

photo from dc

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